Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This is The Right Moment to Share The Love

Love | Heart | pink | red | Valentine | Dating | This is the right moment to share the loveCommunication is one key to the warm relations between family members. For that, the habit in the family communicate properly begins now. Renowned psychologist from the United States, Neil Clark Warren in his book titled "Learning to Live With the Love of Your Life", saying that a short time to talk to each other among family members, approximately 5-10 minutes.
Little time is available when used effectively is very useful to maintain the intimacy of the family. Communication can be done anytime and anywhere. When is the right moment to share the story?
Eating Together
Eating together is the concept of the easiest and most effective way to closer relations between family members. In a family, eating together is a means to provide values, norms, and systems about how to convey love through food. Eating together can be a major media attention through gaze, and touch. In addition, strengthening the harmonization of family (husband and wife, parents, and children). Eating together is a means to share information, and affection. Every now and then, make a special dish for dinner meals. And apply a few rules when dining together, such as television and mobile phones should not be turned on to family members can really enjoy the food dish while swapping stories freely.
Turn off electrical appliances
Occasionally, turn off all electronic equipment in your home. After all phones, PDAs, video games, and the other in death, spent a few hours to sit together and tell each other. It sounds unusual, isn't it? But make no mistake, it was pointed out ways to make you and all family members can exchange ideas, sitting down together.
Enjoy Wild
Had planned to spend the weekend with outdoor activities? If not, now is the time you take the husband and the baby to enjoy a variety of outbound games. If you spend extra lazy, you can drive tired and stressed with just a walk in the mountains. Walk or bike to play in the tea garden, or hills, can be a powerful medicine to make you and your family members more energetic. The point is to go somewhere together and talked travel.
Cleaning Home
Business cleaning properly the responsibility of the entire family. So little was helped also responsible for this activity. Children can be taught to run a vacuum cleaner, scrubbing the bathroom, or ironing clothes. While the time, they may not perform this task as well as you do, but by doing this work together, they have tried to ease your task. This moment could be the glue between parent and child.

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