Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Free sex in Teenager's life without father

Free sex in Teenager's life without father
Teenagers who grew up without a father tend to have sex early, according to researchers in the United States. The researchers even said that genetic factors are influential. Sex education at an early age is one way to avoid it. Child Development in the Journal mentioned a few theories that linked between the absent father in early sex. That's because a child will tend to experience stress and unstable when his parents did not complete. It was then triggered to grow and share the problem with couples rather than parents.
Another opinion says that teenagers who were raised by his mother used to look at sexual behavior of the mother with her partner out of wedlock, and it becomes an example of the possibility of the child practiced. In other words, a pair of parents would be better to monitor the sex lives of adolescents than the single parent.
Researchers from the University of Oregon compared the 1000's sex life 14 years old teenager who grew up without a father, a father's attention and that a lot of attention and affection a father. According to the American National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 63.2% of adolescents who grew up without a father admitted to having had sex, while those who received minimal attention from the father as much as 52.5% reported. The teenagers who grew up with rapt attention by his father, only about 21%.
A psychology professor from the University of Oregon said that the relationship between the absent father with child sex can be explained as a genetic factor. Environment influence may also, but genetic factors are more dominant thought. Genetic mean in this case does not mean the early sex genes derived from the father or mother, but more of a contribution to the nature and behavior of mothers and fathers that cause aberrant sex premature child. "Young people need access to reproductive health services and a healthy sex to give them information, choice and confidence. If there should be a special sex lessons for teens," says Simon Blake, from Sexual Health Charity, Brook Advisory Center.
So far as we know, the cause of early adolescent sex education is low, a friend and promiscuity, the media and the internet as well as socio or economic status. But it was absent father in the family can also trigger it. Appropriate sex education is an effective way to prevent it.

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1 comments: on "Free sex in Teenager's life without father"

Anonymous said...

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1430 H.Minal ‘aidin wal faizin.
Setulus hati kami sampaikan Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin , untuk kesalahan dalam tulisan ataupun dalam komentar kami dan segala hal yang mungkin tidak berkenan di hati saudaraku tercinta , yang selama ini bersama sama dalam canda ria dalam tali persahabatan yaitu dalam satu wadah kebersamaan yang indah dari berbagai Suku , Ras dan Agama yang berbeda ! tapi tetap kokoh dalam Cinta , Damai , dan Kasih Sayang.

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